PC World 2003 July & August
FreeRAM XP Pro 1.31.exe
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Text File
1,503 lines
object Form4: TForm4
Left = 382
Top = 269
ActiveControl = Button3
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'FreeRAM XP Pro Settings'
ClientHeight = 417
ClientWidth = 288
Color = clBtnFace
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object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
Caption = '&Program'
object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 3
Width = 263
Height = 134
Hint =
'These settings specify how and when FreeRAM XP starts and what h' +
'appens when it does.'
Caption = ' Statup Options '
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 19
Width = 222
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP automatically start with w' +
'indows. For more options that determine what FreeRAM XP does whe' +
'n it starts with windows, see the two options directly below.'
Caption = 'Automatically Start with Windows'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox1Click
object CheckBox2: TCheckBox
Left = 29
Top = 37
Width = 201
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP automatically free memory ' +
'when it starts with Windows. To set how much is freed, see below' +
', "Whenever FreeRAM XP automatically frees RAM..."'
Caption = 'Free RAM when Starting with Windows'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox3: TCheckBox
Left = 29
Top = 55
Width = 201
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP start minimized when it is' +
' starting with Windows.'
Caption = 'Minimize when Starting with Windows'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox4: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 74
Width = 238
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP automatically free memory ' +
'when it is not starting with Windows. To set how much is freed, ' +
'see below, "Whenever FreeRAM XP automatically frees RAM..."'
Caption = 'If not started w/ Win, free RAM when starting'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox13: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 92
Width = 222
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP start minimized when it is' +
' not starting with Windows.'
Caption = 'If not started w/ Win, start minimized'
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox25: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 110
Width = 222
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP display a splash screen wh' +
'en it is starting.'
Caption = 'Display splash screen'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 141
Width = 263
Height = 81
Hint = 'These settings specify how FreeRAM XP runs.'
Caption = ' Program Options '
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object CheckBox7: TCheckBox
Left = 16
Top = 160
Width = 145
Height = 17
Caption = 'Enable RAMCut Support'
TabOrder = 0
Visible = False
object CheckBox9: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 18
Width = 201
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to have FreeRAM XP ask the user if the user i' +
's sure the user wishes to exit.'
Caption = 'Prompt on Program Exit'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox10: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 37
Width = 201
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to enable output to a log file (recommended f' +
'or troubleshooting and diagnostics). The log file is named "frxp' +
'_log.txt" and can be found in the same folder as the application' +
'. You can view/delete/clear the log file from the File menu.'
Caption = 'Enable Log File'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox21: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 57
Width = 185
Height = 17
Hint =
'When enabled, FreeRAM XP Pro will always have a system tray icon' +
'. When disabled, FreeRAM XP Pro will not have a system tray icon' +
' unless the user chooses to minimize FreeRAM XP Pro to the syste' +
'm tray.'
Caption = 'Always use System Tray'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object GroupBox9: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 226
Width = 263
Height = 103
Caption = 'Memory-related Program Options'
TabOrder = 2
object Label9: TLabel
Left = 56
Top = 76
Width = 171
Height = 13
Caption = 'will AutoFree as in Lite and Pro 1.1x.'
WordWrap = True
object CheckBox16: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 38
Width = 149
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for the freeing results report to automatical' +
'ly close after a number of seconds, if the user chooses to displ' +
'ay the report. The freeing report can be enabled/disabled from M' +
'emory Mode in the main program window.'
Caption = 'Auto close free report after'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox16Click
object CSpinEdit9: TCSpinEdit
Left = 159
Top = 37
Width = 48
Height = 22
Hint =
'Specifies the number of seconds after which the freeing results ' +
'report will automatically close, if the user chooses to display ' +
'the report. The freeing report can be enabled/disabled from Memo' +
'ry Mode in the main program window.'
TabStop = True
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 9999
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 1
Value = 15
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox29: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 18
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to automatically clear the cli' +
'pboard whenever freeing memory. FreeRAM XP will not prompt the u' +
'ser when it performs this action. Applies to pressing Go! and au' +
'tomatically freeing.'
Caption = 'Clear clipboard when freeing (won'#39't prompt)'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox35: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 59
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'Enable this option for AutoFree to use the same algorithm as the' +
' AutoFree in FreeRAM XP Lite and FreeRAM XP Pro 1.1x. Note: Enab' +
'ling this option is NOT recommended; the newer AutoFree is smart' +
'er and more efficient.'
Caption = 'Use old-style AutoFree (NOT recommended):'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText18: TStaticText
Left = 208
Top = 40
Width = 44
Height = 17
Caption = 'seconds'
TabOrder = 4
object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
Caption = '&Memory'
ImageIndex = 1
object GroupBox3: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 3
Width = 263
Height = 185
Hint =
'These options control when and how FreeRAM XP automatically free' +
's memory. To set how much is freed, see Program Options.'
Caption = 'Automatic Freeing Options'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
object Label12: TLabel
Left = 202
Top = 19
Width = 36
Height = 13
Caption = 'minutes'
object Label13: TLabel
Left = 222
Top = 43
Width = 16
Height = 13
Caption = 'MB'
object CheckBox14: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 18
Width = 132
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to enable auto time-based freeing: FreeRAM XP' +
' will automatically free memory at a user-defined interval of ti' +
'me. To set how much is freed, see under the Program tab, "Whenev' +
'er FreeRAM XP automatically frees RAM..."'
Caption = 'Automatically free every'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox14Click
object CSpinEdit5: TCSpinEdit
Left = 150
Top = 15
Width = 49
Height = 22
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to automatically free memory a' +
't a user-defined interval of time.'
TabStop = True
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 9999
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 1
Value = 30
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox15: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 64
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'When enabled, FreeRAM XP will automatically free memory when the' +
' amount of free memory goes below a user-specified level. To set' +
' how much is freed, see under Program tab, "Whenever FreeRAM XP ' +
'automatically..." NOTE: See Wait Time, under Misc/Other tab'
Caption = 'Automatically free if memory goes below'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox15Click
object CSpinEdit6: TCSpinEdit
Left = 46
Top = 82
Width = 49
Height = 22
Hint =
'When enabled, FreeRAM XP will automatically free memory when the' +
' amount of free memory goes below a user-specified level. To set' +
' how much is freed, see under Program tab, "Whenever FreeRAM XP ' +
'automatically..." NOTE: See Wait Time, under Misc/Other tab'
TabStop = True
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 99
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 3
Value = 1
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText15: TStaticText
Left = 101
Top = 86
Width = 20
Height = 17
Hint =
'When enabled, FreeRAM XP will automatically free memory when the' +
' amount of free memory goes below a user-specified level. To set' +
' how much is freed, see under Program tab, "Whenever FreeRAM XP ' +
'automatically..." NOTE: See Wait Time, under Misc/Other tab'
Caption = 'MB'
TabOrder = 4
object CheckBox22: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 107
Width = 217
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to ask the user before automat' +
'ically freeing as specified above.'
Caption = 'Prompt before automatically freeing'
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox17: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 125
Width = 217
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to cancel automatic freeing if' +
' CPU activity is above a user-specified level.'
Caption = 'Don'#39't auto run if CPU use above:'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 6
OnClick = CheckBox17Click
object CheckBox23: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 143
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to cancel automatic freeing if' +
' there is much disk activity (hard drive use).'
Caption = 'Don'#39't auto run during significant disk usage'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 7
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox5: TCheckBox
Left = 13
Top = 161
Width = 234
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to disable the display of prompts between pas' +
'ses (if AutoFree not used for automatic freeing) and the memory ' +
'report after freeing. FreeRAM XP will disregard whether "Display' +
' a memory report" in Memory Mode is checked or not.'
Caption = 'No reports and pass prompts at auto running'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 8
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CSpinEdit1: TCSpinEdit
Left = 192
Top = 122
Width = 42
Height = 22
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to cancel automatic freeing if' +
' CPU activity is above a user-specified level.'
TabStop = True
MaxValue = 99
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 9
Value = 40
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText1: TStaticText
Left = 237
Top = 126
Width = 12
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to cancel automatic freeing if' +
' CPU activity is above a user-specified level.'
Caption = '%'
TabOrder = 10
object CheckBox34: TCheckBox
Left = 45
Top = 40
Width = 116
Height = 17
Hint =
'Enable this option for FreeRAM XP Pro to free RAM at the end of ' +
'every time interval specified above only if the RAM level is bel' +
'ow a certain amount.'
Caption = 'Only if RAM is below'
Enabled = False
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -8
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 11
OnClick = CheckBox34Click
object CSpinEdit10: TCSpinEdit
Left = 167
Top = 39
Width = 53
Height = 22
Hint =
'The level of RAM must be below this number for FreeRAM XP Pro to' +
' automatically free RAM at the end of every time interval specif' +
'ied above in automatic time-based freeing.'
TabStop = True
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 9999
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 12
Value = 30
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object GroupBox4: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 255
Width = 263
Height = 76
Hint =
'These options are other settings that specify what happens when ' +
'memory is freed.'
Caption = 'Other Memory Options'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object StaticText16: TStaticText
Left = 8
Top = 16
Width = 142
Height = 17
Hint =
'Determines how many passes or attempts FreeRAM XP will make to f' +
'ree a user-specified amount of RAM (not when AutoFreeing).'
Caption = 'When not using AutoFree, try'
TabOrder = 0
object CheckBox18: TCheckBox
Left = 17
Top = 36
Width = 217
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to ask the user if he or she w' +
'ould like to continue with each pass. The user is provided with ' +
'information after each pass and can choose to continue or cancel' +
' the memory operation.'
Caption = 'Prompt before each pass after the first'
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox24: TCheckBox
Left = 17
Top = 55
Width = 232
Height = 14
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to automatically cancel future' +
' passes if the desired level of memory is already reached.'
Caption = 'Auto-cancel passes if desired RAM reached'
Checked = True
Enabled = False
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CSpinEdit7: TCSpinEdit
Left = 153
Top = 13
Width = 52
Height = 22
Hint =
'Determines how many passes or attempts FreeRAM XP will make to f' +
'ree a user-specified amount of RAM (not when AutoFreeing). Appli' +
'es to both pressing Go! and when automatically freeing, if AutoF' +
'ree not used.'
TabStop = True
MaxValue = 999
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 3
Value = 1
OnChange = CSpinEdit7Change
object StaticText17: TStaticText
Left = 210
Top = 16
Width = 37
Height = 17
Caption = 'passes'
TabOrder = 4
object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup
Left = 5
Top = 191
Width = 263
Height = 61
Caption = 'Whenever automatically freeing RAM,'
TabOrder = 2
object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
Left = 23
Top = 227
Width = 74
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this for FreeRAM XP to free a user-specified amount of RA' +
'M whenever it automatically frees memory. FreeRAM XP can automat' +
'ically free RAM at startup, after an amount of time, or if RAM g' +
'oes too low. See "Automatic Freeing Options" under memory tab.'
Caption = 'Try to free'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = RadioButton1Click
object CSpinEdit2: TCSpinEdit
Left = 98
Top = 222
Width = 49
Height = 22
Hint =
'Select this for FreeRAM XP to free a user-specified amount of RA' +
'M whenever it automatically frees memory. FreeRAM XP can automat' +
'ically free RAM at startup, after an amount of time, or if RAM g' +
'oes too low. See "Automatic Freeing Options" under memory tab.'
TabStop = True
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 99
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 4
Value = 1
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
Left = 23
Top = 205
Width = 98
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this for FreeRAM XP to use AutoFree whenever it automatic' +
'ally frees memory. FreeRAM XP can be set to automatically free R' +
'AM at startup, after an amount of time, or if RAM goes below a c' +
'ertain level. See "Automatic Freeing Options" under memory tab.'
Caption = 'Use AutoFree.'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 5
TabStop = True
OnClick = RadioButton1Click
object StaticText14: TStaticText
Left = 153
Top = 226
Width = 23
Height = 17
Caption = 'MB.'
TabOrder = 6
object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
Caption = '&Display'
ImageIndex = 2
object GroupBox5: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 3
Width = 263
Height = 204
Hint =
'These options specify what computer statistics are displayed and' +
' in what format (bar or graph).'
Caption = 'Display Information and Format'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
object CheckBox6: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 17
Width = 232
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to display Virtual Memory info' +
'rmation. This refers to the portion of the hard drive that Windo' +
'ws uses to hold information normally stored in RAM.'
Caption = 'Display Virtual Memory (Swapfile) Information'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox20: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 34
Width = 185
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to display the CPU usage. A hi' +
'gher percentage means your computer'#39's CPU--it'#39's "brain"--is work' +
'ing harder at the moment.'
Caption = 'Display CPU Usage'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox8: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 51
Width = 216
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to display the true memory loa' +
'd (percentage of total allocated memory, RAM and virtual memory,' +
' of total physical RAM). The statistic is adjusted so that all r' +
'eadings are scaled by 1/2.'
Caption = 'Display True Adjusted Memory Load'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox26: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 68
Width = 232
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to use a graph instead of bars to display sta' +
Caption = 'Display all meters in graph format'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText6: TStaticText
Left = 7
Top = 174
Width = 166
Height = 17
Hint =
'This setting determines how often FreeRAM XP will refresh the me' +
'mory information and display, in milliseconds. Recommended value' +
' is 1000. Lowering this value will allow the display to refresh ' +
'more frequently but sacrifice more resources.'
Caption = 'Refresh memory information every:'
TabOrder = 4
object CSpinEdit3: TCSpinEdit
Left = 172
Top = 171
Width = 57
Height = 22
Hint =
'This setting determines how often FreeRAM XP will refresh the me' +
'mory information and display, in milliseconds. Recommended value' +
' is 1000. Lowering this value will allow the display to refresh ' +
'more frequently but sacrifice more resources.'
TabStop = True
MaxValue = 10000
MinValue = 100
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 5
Value = 1000
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox32: TCheckBox
Left = 8
Top = 149
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option to display the amount of time that Windows ha' +
's been running since you last started your computer.'
Caption = 'Display Windows uptime'
TabOrder = 6
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText7: TStaticText
Left = 28
Top = 127
Width = 35
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to warn you when system resour' +
'ces dip below a user-specified level. This is useful in keeping ' +
'track of when system resources could go into dangerously low lev' +
'els, possibly causing your computer to crash.'
Caption = 'below:'
TabOrder = 8
object CheckBox31: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 106
Width = 205
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to warn you when system resour' +
'ces dip below a user-specified level. This is useful in keeping ' +
'track of when system resources could go into dangerously low lev' +
'els, possibly causing your computer to crash. N/A on XP/2K/NT.'
Caption = 'Warn me if any System Resource goes'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 9
OnClick = CheckBox31Click
object CheckBox27: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 86
Width = 216
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to display system resources in' +
'formation, such as USER and GDI. This information is relevant on' +
'ly on Windows 95/98/ME, not on XP/2K/NT. System Resources are di' +
'fferent from RAM.'
Caption = 'Display System Resources Information'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 10
OnClick = CheckBox27Click
object CSpinEdit4: TCSpinEdit
Left = 63
Top = 124
Width = 49
Height = 22
Hint =
'FreeRAM XP will warn the user if any system resources go below t' +
'hiis level. This is useful in keeping track of when system resou' +
'rces could go into dangerously low levels, possibly causing your' +
' computer to crash.'
TabStop = True
MaxValue = 99
MinValue = 1
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 7
Value = 20
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText19: TStaticText
Left = 232
Top = 174
Width = 17
Height = 17
Caption = 'ms'
TabOrder = 11
object StaticText20: TStaticText
Left = 114
Top = 127
Width = 12
Height = 17
Caption = '%'
TabOrder = 12
object GroupBox6: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 211
Width = 263
Height = 77
Hint = 'These settings control other display aspects.'
Caption = 'Other Display Settings'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object CheckBox12: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 17
Width = 161
Height = 17
Hint = 'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to use the Status Bar.'
Caption = 'Show Status Bar'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox11: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 35
Width = 235
Height = 17
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to save the settings in the Me' +
'mory Mode box (on the main program window) and reload them when ' +
'it starts next time.'
Caption = 'When exiting, save Memory Mode settings'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object CheckBox33: TCheckBox
Left = 9
Top = 53
Width = 232
Height = 17
Hint =
'When selected, FreeRAM XP will start in the same position on the' +
' screen that it was in when it was last closed.'
Caption = 'When starting, remember last screen position'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object TabSheet4: TTabSheet
Caption = '&Sound/Shortcut'
ImageIndex = 3
object GroupBox10: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 5
Width = 263
Height = 164
Caption = 'Windows Shortcuts'
TabOrder = 0
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 15
Width = 132
Height = 13
Caption = 'To initiate/cancel AutoFree:'
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 52
Width = 216
Height = 13
Caption = 'To initiate/cancel user-specified RAM freeing:'
object Label5: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 87
Width = 155
Height = 13
Caption = 'To toggle automatic optimization:'
object Label11: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 122
Width = 193
Height = 13
Caption = 'To toggle display of freeing results report:'
object HotKey1: THotKey
Left = 40
Top = 31
Width = 121
Height = 19
Hint =
'You can use shortcuts entered here in any application to activat' +
'e or toggle this option. Shortcuts may use letters A-Z and numbe' +
'rs 0-9 (non-numeric keypad), and must contain at least two of th' +
'e following: Ctrl, Alt, Shift.'
HotKey = 49152
InvalidKeys = [hcNone, hcShift, hcCtrl, hcAlt]
Modifiers = [hkCtrl, hkAlt]
TabOrder = 0
OnMouseDown = HotKey1MouseDown
object HotKey2: THotKey
Left = 40
Top = 67
Width = 121
Height = 19
Hint =
'You can use shortcuts entered here in any application to activat' +
'e or toggle this option. Shortcuts may use letters A-Z and numbe' +
'rs 0-9 (non-numeric keypad), and must contain at least two of th' +
'e following: Ctrl, Alt, Shift.'
HotKey = 49152
InvalidKeys = [hcNone, hcShift, hcCtrl, hcAlt]
Modifiers = [hkCtrl, hkAlt]
TabOrder = 1
OnMouseDown = HotKey1MouseDown
object HotKey3: THotKey
Left = 40
Top = 103
Width = 121
Height = 18
Hint =
'You can use shortcuts entered here in any application to activat' +
'e or toggle this option. Shortcuts may use letters A-Z and numbe' +
'rs 0-9 (non-numeric keypad), and must contain at least two of th' +
'e following: Ctrl, Alt, Shift.'
HotKey = 49152
InvalidKeys = [hcNone, hcShift, hcCtrl, hcAlt]
Modifiers = [hkCtrl, hkAlt]
TabOrder = 2
OnMouseDown = HotKey1MouseDown
object HotKey4: THotKey
Left = 40
Top = 138
Width = 121
Height = 19
Hint =
'You can use shortcuts entered here in any application to activat' +
'e or toggle this option. Shortcuts may use letters A-Z and numbe' +
'rs 0-9 (non-numeric keypad), and must contain at least two of th' +
'e following: Ctrl, Alt, Shift.'
HotKey = 49152
InvalidKeys = [hcNone, hcShift, hcCtrl, hcAlt]
Modifiers = [hkCtrl, hkAlt]
TabOrder = 3
OnMouseDown = HotKey1MouseDown
object GroupBox11: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 170
Width = 263
Height = 78
Caption = 'Program Sounds'
TabOrder = 1
object Label10: TLabel
Left = 4
Top = 56
Width = 255
Height = 13
Caption = 'Note: more sound options to appear in future releases.'
object CheckBox19: TCheckBox
Left = 12
Top = 17
Width = 133
Height = 17
Hint =
'Enable this option for FreeRAM XP Pro to use sounds to notify pr' +
'ogram events.'
Caption = 'Use Program Sounds'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CheckBox19Click
object RadioButton3: TRadioButton
Left = 30
Top = 35
Width = 217
Height = 17
Caption = 'Use Windows Beep For All Sounds'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 1
TabStop = True
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object RadioButton4: TRadioButton
Left = 30
Top = 78
Width = 217
Height = 17
Caption = 'Use Custom .Wav Files for Sounds'
TabOrder = 2
Visible = False
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 46
Top = 82
Width = 215
Height = 117
BevelOuter = bvNone
TabOrder = 3
Visible = False
object Label6: TLabel
Left = 5
Top = 6
Width = 146
Height = 13
Caption = 'Sound for start of RAM freeing:'
object Label8: TLabel
Left = 5
Top = 83
Width = 206
Height = 13
Caption = 'Sound for RAM going below auto-free level:'
object Label7: TLabel
Left = 5
Top = 45
Width = 144
Height = 13
Caption = 'Sound for end of RAM freeing:'
object Edit1: TEdit
Left = 6
Top = 22
Width = 185
Height = 21
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 0
Text = 'None specified'
object Button5: TButton
Left = 192
Top = 23
Width = 17
Height = 17
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 1
object Edit2: TEdit
Left = 6
Top = 60
Width = 185
Height = 21
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 2
Text = 'None specified'
object Button6: TButton
Left = 192
Top = 62
Width = 17
Height = 17
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 3
object Edit3: TEdit
Left = 6
Top = 98
Width = 185
Height = 21
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 4
Text = 'None specified'
object Button7: TButton
Left = 192
Top = 100
Width = 17
Height = 17
Caption = '...'
TabOrder = 5
object TabSheet5: TTabSheet
Caption = 'O&ther'
ImageIndex = 4
object GroupBox8: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 134
Width = 263
Height = 190
Caption = 'Other Settings'
TabOrder = 0
object Bevel2: TBevel
Left = 6
Top = 152
Width = 249
Height = 2
object CheckBox30: TCheckBox
Left = 10
Top = 13
Width = 225
Height = 33
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to have at most once instance ' +
'running at any time.'
Checked = True
Color = clBtnFace
ParentColor = False
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText4: TStaticText
Left = 32
Top = 16
Width = 209
Height = 33
Hint =
'Select this option for FreeRAM XP to have at most once instance ' +
'running at any time.'
AutoSize = False
Caption =
'Maximum one instance of FreeRAM XP allowed to run at any one tim' +
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = StaticText4Click
object StaticText8: TStaticText
Left = 8
Top = 48
Width = 232
Height = 17
Hint =
'Specify how aggressive FreeRAM XP will be in terms of CPU usage ' +
'when it is freeing memory. More Aggressive means FreeRAM XP will' +
' finish faster but will take up more CPU time. More Passive mean' +
's other programs will run more normally but will take longer.'
Caption = 'Whenever FreeRAM XP frees memory, it will use'
TabOrder = 2
object ComboBox3: TComboBox
Left = 61
Top = 66
Width = 184
Height = 21
Hint =
'Specify how aggressive FreeRAM XP will be in terms of CPU usage ' +
'when it is freeing memory. More Aggressive means FreeRAM XP will' +
' finish faster but will take up more CPU time. More Passive mean' +
's other programs will run more normally but will take longer.'
Style = csDropDownList
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 3
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
Items.Strings = (
'Aggressively (faster)'
'Normally (Recommended)'
'Passively (lets other programs run)')
object StaticText9: TStaticText
Left = 14
Top = 69
Width = 47
Height = 17
Hint =
'Specify how aggressive FreeRAM XP will be in terms of CPU usage ' +
'when it is freeing memory. More Aggressive means FreeRAM XP will' +
' finish faster but will take up more CPU time. More Passive mean' +
's other programs will run more normally but will take longer.'
Caption = 'the CPU:'
TabOrder = 4
object StaticText10: TStaticText
Left = 8
Top = 97
Width = 192
Height = 17
Hint =
'Specify how long, in seconds, FreeRAM XP will wait after automat' +
'ically freeing memory before attempting to do so again. Applies ' +
'only to automatic RAM level-based freeing.'
Caption = 'Wait time: FreeRAM XP will wait at least'
TabOrder = 5
object CSpinEdit8: TCSpinEdit
Left = 201
Top = 93
Width = 41
Height = 22
Hint =
'Specify how long, in seconds, FreeRAM XP will wait after automat' +
'ically freeing memory before attempting to do so again. Applies ' +
'only to automatic RAM level-based freeing.'
TabStop = True
MaxValue = 9999
MinValue = 3
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 6
Value = 60
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
object StaticText11: TStaticText
Left = 16
Top = 117
Width = 221
Height = 17
Hint =
'Specify how long, in seconds, FreeRAM XP will wait after automat' +
'ically freeing memory before attempting to do so again. Applies ' +
'only to automatic RAM level-based freeing.'
Caption = 'seconds between RAM level-based automatic'
TabOrder = 7
object StaticText12: TStaticText
Left = 16
Top = 132
Width = 36
Height = 17
Hint =
'Specify how long, in seconds, FreeRAM XP will wait after automat' +
'ically freeing memory before attempting to do so again. Applies ' +
'only to automatic RAM level-based freeing.'
Caption = 'freeing'
TabOrder = 8
object CheckBox28: TCheckBox
Left = 10
Top = 163
Width = 233
Height = 17
Hint =
'Enable this option for FreeRAM XP Pro to check automatically for' +
' updates periodically when you are connected to the internet (Re' +
Caption = 'Periodically check for updates automatically'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 9
OnClick = CheckBox25Click
object GroupBox7: TGroupBox
Left = 5
Top = 3
Width = 263
Height = 128
Hint = 'These settings specify other program options.'
Caption = 'Tray Settings'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 15
Top = 35
Width = 233
Height = 13
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'If nothing is specified, left-double-click will restore'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsUnderline]
ParentFont = False
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 15
Top = 75
Width = 233
Height = 13
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Right-single-click will always display tray menu'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsUnderline]
ParentFont = False
object StaticText2: TStaticText
Left = 6
Top = 16
Width = 136
Height = 17
Hint =
'Choose what happens when the user left-double-clicks on the syst' +
'em tray icon. NOTE: If "No effect" is specified, left-double-cli' +
'cking will restore, otherwise left-double-clicking will do whate' +
'ver is specified.'
Caption = 'Left-double-clicking tray will:'
TabOrder = 0
object StaticText3: TStaticText
Left = 6
Top = 56
Width = 143
Height = 17
Caption = 'Right-double-clicking tray will:'
TabOrder = 1
object ComboBox1: TComboBox
Left = 146
Top = 12
Width = 112
Height = 21
Hint =
'Choose what happens when the user left-double-clicks on the syst' +
'em tray icon. NOTE: If "No effect" is specified, left-double-cli' +
'cking will restore, otherwise left-double-clicking will do whate' +
'ver is specified.'
Style = csDropDownList
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 2
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
Items.Strings = (
'Automatically free RAM'
'Open Settings'
'No effect')
object ComboBox2: TComboBox
Left = 146
Top = 52
Width = 112
Height = 21
Hint =
'Choose what happens when the user right-double-clicks on the sys' +
'tem tray icon. NOTE: Right-single-clicking will always display t' +
'he tray menu, no matter what is specified by the user as the rig' +
'ht-double-clicking action.'
Style = csDropDownList
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 3
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
Items.Strings = (
'Automatically free RAM'
'Open Settings'
'No effect')
object StaticText13: TStaticText
Left = 6
Top = 101
Width = 91
Height = 17
Hint =
'Choose what the tray icon will display. If Percentage of free RA' +
'M is chosen, the tray icon will be a pie chart displaying the pe' +
'rcentage of free RAM. Otherwise, the tray icon will be the progr' +
'am icon and change colors depending on the amount of free RAM.'
Caption = 'Tray icon displays:'
TabOrder = 4
object ComboBox4: TComboBox
Left = 99
Top = 97
Width = 141
Height = 21
Hint =
'Choose what the tray icon will display. If Percentage of free RA' +
'M is chosen, the tray icon will be a pie chart displaying the pe' +
'rcentage of free RAM. Otherwise, the tray icon will be the progr' +
'am icon and change colors depending on the amount of free RAM.'
Style = csDropDownList
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 5
OnChange = CheckBox25Click
Items.Strings = (
'Megabytes of free RAM'
'% of free RAM (number)'
'% of free RAM (pie chart)'
'Program icon')
object Button1: TButton
Left = 218
Top = 387
Width = 60
Height = 25
Hint =
'Click to revert all the settings back to their original values (' +
'defaults). FreeRAM XP configuration will return to its pre-insta' +
'llation state.'
Caption = '&Revert All'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = Button1Click
object Button2: TButton
Left = 142
Top = 387
Width = 60
Height = 25
Hint = 'Click to discard the changes and close this window'
Cancel = True
Caption = '&Cancel'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = Button2Click
object Button3: TButton
Left = 9
Top = 387
Width = 60
Height = 25
Hint = 'Click to save and apply the settings and close this window.'
Caption = '&OK'
Default = True
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = Button3Click
object Button4: TButton
Left = 76
Top = 387
Width = 60
Height = 25
Hint = 'Click to save and apply the settings without closing this window'
Caption = '&Apply'
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = Button4Click
object StaticText5: TStaticText
Left = 9
Top = 369
Width = 242
Height = 17
Hint = 'Hover the mouse over items to get a quick explanation / help.'
Caption = 'Hover mouse over items for explanations and help.'
Font.Color = clBlack
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsUnderline]
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 5